How to Make New Year’s Resolutions Work for You

Every year many people make resolutions to improve their life, their habits, their business. And every year the majority of us fail miserably at keeping those resolutions. We have abandoned them before the first month is over. And each year we blame ourselves for not...

Tapping on Holiday Stress

With the holidays just around the corner the stress about it all is building up, and especially this year, where there is a lot of extra stress with the organisation of the family and friends visits etc., and the increased financial strain many are facing The festive...

Slaying Your Dragons

Many people have trouble facing problems in life because they are too scared of the outcome. They are always putting things off instead of just facing their fears. It might feel as though you have been slapped in the face. You might have spent so much time worrying...

Kathy’s Story Part 2

Preface: In February of this year, a close friend of the family knew she was not long for this world, having suffered through the pain of ovarian cancer. She asked her sister Karen to post the words that poured from her heart, a testament of sorts that could be passed...

Kathy’s Story Part 1

Preface: In February of this year, a close friend of the family knew she was not long for this world, having suffered through the pain of ovarian cancer. She asked her sister Karen to post the words that poured from her heart, a testament of sorts that could be passed...

Happy Feelings on Command

Creating happy feelings on command. Is that even possible, you might ask and my answer is: Yes! There is a way of doing that, it comes from NLP and is called anchoring. You create an anchor on your body with happy memories and every time you touch that anchor, you...