I am FREE!!! Read on to know what I’m free from I’m free from pain, suffering and anxiety. How did I do that? By witnessing, accepting and releasing my Victim in the many roles it played in my life. “I’m not a victim” I attested that statement for years, I even had...

Tapping on the “I’m Not Good Enough” Program

Are you feeling trapped in a Low-Self-Esteem Prison? This tapping session holds the key to freeing yourself from the “I am Not Good Enough” Lie. We have done already some tapping scripts for you to work with before and today we will be tapping on this “I’m not good...

Kathy’s Story Part 1

Preface: In February of this year, a close friend of the family knew she was not long for this world, having suffered through the pain of ovarian cancer. She asked her sister Karen to post the words that poured from her heart, a testament of sorts that could be passed...

Overwhelm Part Deux

Overwhelm Part I dealt with quantity, as in “too many/too much” to do/see/process; Part II considers quality, as in “too intense” with regard to physical pain/emotional overload. Yikes – how much easier Part I was!! As a reminder, this writer is looking through the...

Addiction Is a Global Human Crisis, OPIOIDS – a Global Epidemic

What are they? Why are they being misused? Who is being affected? Why should we care? Many beneficial medications occur in nature, such as aspirin (from willow bark), penicillin (penicillium mould), essential oils and various herbs. Some pain relievers are from the...