Believe in Yourself

By believing in yourself you will give yourself and your environment the greatest gift you can give anyone: Your trust, confidence and security. Being kind to yourself helps you bounce back, live healthier, and stay on track. Self-compassion is a way of relating to...

My friend, Dr Phil

We regularly forget that people aren’t perfect. It’s natural for us to simply judge others when they don’t meet our standards or expectations. Now, you may have just read that and thought “I paid money to receive a high level of service. So yes, I should have an...

Synchronicity Is the Universe’s Way of Reaching Out to You

What is synchronicity? Conceived by Carl Jung (Swiss psychiatrist/psychoanalyst), the term was coined in the early 1900s. He defined it by saying, “Synchronicity could be understood as an ordering system by means of which ‘similar’ things coincide, without there being...