Today is just a short message, an encouragement for resolutions because when you are without a goal, you are without hope. You need something to look forward just to keep you moving forward. And it is so important to keep moving because when you stand still you are actually going backwards.
This goes for many areas in life, physical, mental and spiritual.
We have been writing many messages and gave you tips on how to handle things on lots of different topics. All these are still available for you to read. You can just scroll back through the posts and when you see the pink board, you know there is a blog attached to that.
At this moment we just want to give you all the best wishes for 2021 and we all hope and pray that it will be a more open and healthy year than the one that just passed. Things are changing and they change for a reason, even when that reason might not be clear to us at the moment when you look back at a later date you can usually see why something had to change.
So look up with hope in your heart, because nothing lasts forever and the only thing you can really count on is change. Embrace it and surrender into it, that makes it a lot easier.
Enjoy the change of years, celebrate the ending of this old year and the beginning of a new, make some good and firm resolutions and ask for our help to keep and achieve them. We are here for you.
We will see you in the next year.
With all our love to you, Dawn Cady and team.