According to the laws of duality, there must be always two sides, meaning if something bad happens, something good happens as well. We are facing many challenges in these times, but that means that there are also many opportunities. The question is: can you see them?...
Life is a state of mind; imagine the one that you want, and then create it. Which mindset do you have? Are you really aware of how powerful you actually are? Or are you stuck in the idea that you have no power over your life? That you just have to play that big game...
As we are all dealing with these difficult times, we can see a variation of reactions in people. The one that is seen most, though, is a reaction of fear. And this is right now a constant fear that causes stress in your body, which ultimately causes disease. ...
Being aware is very important right now, you have to be aware of everything that you do, hear, and/or read. Times are changing and you do not want to miss anything that is happening. You want to be a part of this change. Do not simply believe everything you hear or...
Overwhelm Part I dealt with quantity, as in “too many/too much” to do/see/process; Part II considers quality, as in “too intense” with regard to physical pain/emotional overload. Yikes – how much easier Part I was!! As a reminder, this writer is looking through the...