If you want to achieve success, there are some habits that you might find very helpful. Habits are actions you have taken many times, over and over again and have now been taken over by your subconscious mind, so it becomes automatic and this makes life easier for...
This time of year can be very stressful for a lot of us, but we also see it as a new beginning and for that reason, many people set New Years Resolutions. Did you do as well? Great, I wish you all the best with it. How are you doing? Lots of people are doing good and...
And oftentimes excusing of a fault doth make the fault the worse by the excuse. – Shakespeare, King John The first key to busting your excuses is to identify them and then understand the pay-off you’re getting from using them. First, you want to find out how...
So What’s Your Excuse? Imagine something you really want to do and have been wanting to do for a while now. This can be something big, like starting your own business or something small like taking some time several times a week to read a book or learn something...
Thinking has to do with controlling, directing and using information; in this way, we problem-solve, make decisions, understand and form judgements (reason) and establish concepts. Our brains go through a process of pattern recognition whereby new experiences are...