The 5 Second Rule

This is an article from Mel Robbins about her 5-second rule and when I read this I thought it was so awesome that I wanted to share this with the whole world. Simply because this is going to change your life when you apply this. But remember, it will only change your...

Tapping on Procrastination

It was only about a year ago that we wrote another blog on procrastination, this was in the beginning of July 2019. And now here we are again. But this time I want you to do something about it. Procrastination is something that about 20% of the population is suffering...

BEWARE! The Sneaky Adversary of Success Is PROCRASTINATION

If procrastinating just delays the inevitable, why do we all do it? It’s not like the task is going to go away…AHA – unless you can confidently delegate it or eliminate it – then good for you! (Handy Tip #1) The reasons for procrastinating are varied from person to...