Did you know that you can change your mindset by changing the questions you ask? The quality of your life is created by your attitude, and that is caused by the thoughts you think. Life can throw you many problems that upset you, and many challenges that excite you,...
Life is a state of mind; imagine the one that you want, and then create it. Which mindset do you have? Are you really aware of how powerful you actually are? Or are you stuck in the idea that you have no power over your life? That you just have to play that big game...
Being aware is very important right now, you have to be aware of everything that you do, hear, and/or read. Times are changing and you do not want to miss anything that is happening. You want to be a part of this change. Do not simply believe everything you hear or...
Thinking has to do with controlling, directing and using information; in this way, we problem-solve, make decisions, understand and form judgements (reason) and establish concepts. Our brains go through a process of pattern recognition whereby new experiences are...
Leading a good life isn’t like how it used to be for some. Many of us grow up dreaming about owning our own home, having that nice car, perfect job and a holiday every year. There are those of us who reach that dream. However, for one in five Australians, the dream is...
Many of us know about the emotional symptoms of depression. But are you aware that prolonged physical pain can be connected to emotional pain? Consider this scenario. You’ve seen your GP numerous times about a particular physical pain you’re suffering. You were...