How to Get Good Sleep

As promised last week, this week we show you some ways to improve on your sleep and how you can get the most out of your sleep. When you have problems falling asleep, some simple bedtime routines will help you wind down and prepare you for bed. Few people manage to...

Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Health

About 30% of people suffer from poor sleep, and they often blame stress, computers and taking work home as the culprit. Many of us have experienced the fatigue, short temper and lack of focus that often follow a poor night’s sleep. And although an occasional...

Why We Sleep

Why do we sleep? Sleep is a biological necessity. All complex organisms have a sleep-wake cycle, from simple fruit flies to humans. In humans, sleep has many vital functions for both physical and mental health. Important experiments with individuals who were sleep...

Enlightened Aging

“It’s no good gettin’ old,” quoth my mother, now deceased. But that was a different time, a different era, and we’ve come a long way towards understanding that life does not stop, you are not “over the hill,” once you hit 30. If you are already there, or older, you...


I am FREE!!! Read on to know what I’m free from I’m free from pain, suffering and anxiety. How did I do that? By witnessing, accepting and releasing my Victim in the many roles it played in my life. “I’m not a victim” I attested that statement for years, I even had...