It may sound strange, but this can influence dieting…have you ever wanted to lose, say, ten kgs. /lbs., but after a week of being vigilant and steadfast, the scale said you’d lost only one? (BTW, there are many reasons this might happen.) How did you react to that?...
Meditation – The very word strikes fear into the hearts of some – is that you? Have you heard over and over about the benefits of meditation, but every time you try to force yourself to do it, you end up frustrated and disillusioned? Maybe you don’t feel you...
Everyone is aware of the “fight or flight” response,* the physical reaction to fear whereby your body prepares itself either for confrontation or to run away. This biochemical reaction has strong roots in human evolution; our ancestral world was teeming with...
This is not our quote, but belongs to Charles R. Swindoll, so to be exact: “Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” Do you balk at that, resist that notion? Do you think “It is what it is,” facts are facts? Let’s start with the Rashomon effect, a...
At times we can feel like we are struggling against everything – our families, our jobs – even our own bodies and emotions can betray us. This happens for many reasons…maybe we’re trying to multi-task and wear too many hats, like taking care of our home...