Of course this “pondering” could just apply to matters of self-discipline, where one might sacrifice watching television in order to get a work project done, but what if you really need to give up something that runs far deeper? What if you have a habit that you...
Some basics up front you may already know – the nervous system is divided into 2 main parts: the central nervous system, which is the control centre and consists of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, which, several subcategories later,...
If this all comes down to Procrastinating for you, check out an earlier blog: https://www.facebook.com/dawncady.mindsetcoach/photos/a.398674654054717/416627202259462/?type=3&theater > What if you’re not lazy, but really tired – mentally and physically? It has...
“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.” —Henry Ford The very phrase says it all: we accept as true something that exists (belief), which then restricts us (limiting). In other words, we let things that may or may not be based in reality...
Beyond getting credit for the things we have accomplished, or for the effort we’ve put out, we rely on various types of support in many different areas of life. Obviously as infants this was critical, all of our needs were supplied by others. When we move beyond this...