If you want to achieve success, there are some habits that you might find very helpful.
Habits are actions you have taken many times, over and over again and have now been taken over by your subconscious mind, so it becomes automatic and this makes life easier for you.
The first habits listed below are the ones that keep you healthy and in a good physical condition. You need this because everything becomes better when you are in good shape.
Once your body is in good condition, you have to get in a good mental state, so you will be able to handle all the challenges life throws at you.
And then we have your success conditions. When all these things are a habit for you, success is inevitable.
Physical habits
A 2018 study from Harvard University’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health found five habits that could prolong a person’s life by up to a decade or more.
The results showed a correlation between healthy behaviours and cardiovascular issues: Women and men who maintained the healthiest lifestyles were 82% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease and 65% less likely to die from cancer when compared to those with an unhealthy lifestyle over the course of the roughly 30-year study period.
The study suggested that maintaining these five habits could add up to 10 years or more to a person’s life:
1. Maintain a healthy diet
A recent study published in the British journal The Lancet found that poor diet leads to one in five deaths. It can also lead to problems like high blood pressure and diabetes. A good diet, according to the researchers, contains minimally processed, whole foods and grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and any natural source of protein (i.e., fish and beans).
If you’re serious about changing your eating habits, it may help to consult with a nutritionist.
2. Exercise daily
A study from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) found that just small amounts of daily exercise can extend life expectancy by as much as 4.5 years. The main idea is to avoid inactivity, which can be a problem for those who have desk jobs. A few solutions: Get a standing desk, take walking meetings or dedicate 30 minutes of gym time before or after work.
Physical activity has been shown to help maintain healthy body weight, maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints, promote psychological well-being and reduce the risk of certain diseases, including some cancers.
3. Keep a healthy weight
According to the Harvard study, “weight control significantly reduces the risk of diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular risk factors and breast cancer.”
A “healthy” weight varies from person to person, but the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) indicates that a body mass index (BMI) between 18.5 and 24.9 is considered healthy. (Calculate your BMI here: https://www.calculatestuff.com/health/bmi-calculator)
Keeping your weight under control requires that you check it regularly, but not excessively.
4. Limit your alcohol intake
It’s hard to escape the sight of alcohol — it shows up at happy hour, conferences, social outings and so much more. To get through long days, some may even rely on alcohol as a stimulant in social settings. But there are many downsides. For starters, it can add to your waistline and increase the risk of several cancers (i.e., breast, colon, oesophagus).
While it can be difficult to moderate your alcohol intake — especially if you’re the one in six Australians who struggles with alcohol addiction — keep in mind that the 2009 NHMRC guidelines advise that for healthy men and women, ‘drinking no more than two standard drinks on any day reduces the lifetime risk of harm from alcohol-related disease or injury. (Note: One alcoholic drink-equivalent is defined as containing 14 grams (0.6 fl oz) of pure alcohol.)
5. Don’t smoke
It’s been decades since the tobacco industry started losing favour with the Australian public. As the health risks of smoking have become increasingly apparent, there’s been more effort in warning people about the dangerous side effects.
That doesn’t mean it’ll be easy to kick the unsightly habit, but your body will thank you in the long run. Former President Barack Obama was one successful leader who quit smoking through Nicorette gum. He gave up the habit while still in office and claimed to be “tobacco-free” in 2017.
Mental Habits
5 mental habits of successful people, according to psychologists.
1. Combine your emotions with logic reasoning
Emotional reasoning can often cause us to make poor choices. When emotions overwhelm you in making important decisions, take a step back and try to learn what you can about a problem.
When you stop transforming your feelings into truths, you gain the logic and clarity that will allow you to make smarter decisions.
2. Stop Blaming
We engage in blaming when we hold others accountable for our own actions and feelings.
But failing to take responsibility for the consequences of your own behaviour means you’re not learning from your mistakes. And to be able to grow through your experiences, especially the unpleasant ones, is crucial to success.
3. Always anticipate the best possible outcome.
You will want to avoid going down the negative spiral of expecting disaster to strike because this can lead to anxiety and depression. It may help to play “the devil’s advocate,” and list all the worst-case scenarios and find the best solutions to get out, as well as some benefits you might gain. You soon will find yourself in a calmer, less anxious, and clearer state of mind, because you feel prepared.
4. Accept that life is not always fair.
In the fallacy of fairness, a person believes that every situation should be determined by what is fair.
Psychology professors at Brigham Young University-Idaho suggest that stating your feelings as preferences can help change the way you feel about a situation.
So instead of letting yourself be consumed by bitterness, tell yourself: “It would be nice to get a promotion, but I don’t always have control over that. Perhaps I can talk to my boss about how I can get one next year.”
5. Do not take everything personally.
Stop taking everything personally or assigning blame to yourself, without any logical reason.
Take a step back and think about what part you played in the situation. Then consider how you might not be entirely to blame.
By looking at things from an outsider’s perspective, you may discover that there were a variety of factors at play and that the outcome is not a direct reflection of you.
Success Habits
Learning from the success of others can make a big difference in helping you to achieve greatness and wealth in life.
That’s why we asked several self-made millionaires to share their advice on common actions that help people in achieving success:
1. Always show up.
Not showing up is the worst thing you can do. It is the No. 1 reason most people fail, and unfortunately, it’s a very common and easy mistake to make.
2. Show persistence.
It’s tempting to slack off. But if you want to achieve great outcomes, you will have to put in the work.
3. Have a positive attitude.
Even during tough times, you have to be able to bounce back and maintain a positive attitude — no matter what.
4. Make fast decisions.
Success is a blend of knowledge and experience. Usually, the ability to make decisions in the absence of information can be the biggest advantage.
5. Always smile.
Studies have found that smiling makes you feel happier, healthier and more creative. And the best thing is that it is free.
People prefer to do business with people they like, connect with and feel comfortable around. Be authentic with your smile and you will make an impact.
6. Laser focus on one thing at a time.
Pick one thing you’re passionate about and do it better than everyone else. If it’s worth doing, it is worth doing it right.
7. Always schedule important reminders in your calendar.
If you can get into the rhythm of assigning yourself tasks and calendar appointments, you’ll never find yourself struggling to remember all the things you already forgot at 3 am. It might sound like a no-brainer, but most people fail to do this.
8. Do not emulate the most successful people blindly.
When there are many potential solutions for a problem, it’s easy to pick one that worked for someone else. But what matters is whether it’s going to work for you.
The best leaders look at the components of success and apply them to their own circumstances.
9. Let go of things you cannot control.
If you want to achieve your goals, let go of the common belief that everything should be within your control.
Sometimes, you just have to accept the reality of a situation, be decisive and allocate your time to where you can truly make a difference. This is the key to achieving success in both your work and personal life.
10. Step outside of your comfort zone.
‘You either do it or you don’t.’ Step outside of your comfort zone and don’t be afraid to fight an opponent above your weight class. Take calculated risks and stop being afraid to fail.
And we all know that it can be difficult to change your “bad” habits for “good” ones. But when you take small steps, do a bit every day and take a day at a time, with perseverance you will be successful in every area of your life. You just have to take consistent action and you cannot quit.
It only takes 21 to 30 days to form a new habit.
When you know of some other successful ways to change habits, please do share your experiences within our community of like-minded people who are also embracing this concept. Come and join us on Facebook, where we all look forward to new insights and connections.