No one wants to experience pain – whether it be acute or chronic. Not only does it cause damage but it also causes distress. Pain, particularly chronic pain, can leave many people feeling helpless.
What makes this worse is not knowing what causes the pain. Unfortunately, there are times when the medical profession is unable to determine what’s causing pain for their patients. Let’s take back pain as an example. It is the most prevalent form of pain in the world, but with no specific cause. Many people associate back pain with age and wonder why 40-year-olds constantly feature as sufferers of back pain rather than sexagenarians. Other people associate back pain with backbone abnormalities. But how realistic is that, particularly if the person suffering back pain has never had any issues with their back before?
Whilst there has been a lot of advances in modern medicine, there is still so much we need to learn about the human body, especially regarding chronic pain. Further research is required. And the answers to such complex issues would lead the way to even greater pain relief programs. This, in turn, would lead to a happier human race.
How, then, do we handle pain?
Although we don’t have all the answers we need regarding pain management, there are definitely many modern medicine techniques for pain management. These include:
- Pain medications
- Local anaesthesia
- Trigger point injections
- Spinal cord stimulation
- Surgery.
Modern medicine isn’t the only way to reduce pain. There are natural treatments available that are great alternatives and less expensive. They can also be less invasive. Some of the best natural remedies for pain include:
- Pain-relieving plants such as turmeric, ginger, and lavender (the oil)
- Yoga
- Acupuncture
- Regular exercise
- Massage
For sustainable pain management, natural remedies are much more beneficial. Whilst modern medical techniques are great, they can also come with harsh side effects such as heart attacks, stomach ulcers, kidney failure and stroke.
All-natural pain relief techniques are better for our bodies. They improve one’s mental health and overall well-being. Natural pain relievers may fall short for those suffering from chronic pain.
It is best to always consult one’s doctor before making any decision on pain management.