Kathy’s Story Part 2

Preface: In February of this year, a close friend of the family knew she was not long for this world, having suffered through the pain of ovarian cancer. She asked her sister Karen to post the words that poured from her heart, a testament of sorts that could be passed...

How to Meditate

You have read about the wonderful benefits of meditation. You likely have some friends or family members who swear by their 20 or 45 minutes a day. You even might have heard about those celebrities that claim they couldn’t live without it. And now you would like to...

Benefits of Meditation

For most of us it feels like there are just not enough hours in a day and not enough days in a week to get things done. The forty-hour work week is some far away, hazy memory. It is hard to find the time for all the things we have to do, let alone the things we want...

The Importance of Conscious Awareness

Being aware is very important right now, you have to be aware of everything that you do, hear, and/or read. Times are changing and you do not want to miss anything that is happening. You want to be a part of this change. Do not simply believe everything you hear or...