The Science of Pain

No one wants to experience pain – whether it be acute or chronic. Not only does it cause damage but it also causes distress. Pain, particularly chronic pain, can leave many people feeling helpless. What makes this worse is not knowing what causes the pain....

Stress is the Main Contributor to Pain

I was once such a chronic stress-head and so self-critical that it broke down my body’s ability to heal. I had gone through three different diseases, a disability, two nervous breakdowns and an addiction to painkillers. The thoughts I was experiencing whilst living...

Tips to build your immunity system and fight pain

Leading a good life isn’t like how it used to be for some. Many of us grow up dreaming about owning our own home, having that nice car, perfect job and a holiday every year. There are those of us who reach that dream. However, for one in five Australians, the dream is...

The Emotional Freedom Technique changed my life

Pain. We’ve all felt it. However, most of us won’t recognise when we’re suffering from chronic pain. Chronic pain disguises itself in various forms. Examples include back pain that comes and goes, headaches, migraines, neck and shoulder pain, and the list goes on. If...

Persistent headaches and how they can be tackled

Headaches are becoming more and more common as the world and our everyday lives get busier and increasingly stressful. Do you often suffer from excruciating headaches when you stay back late at the office or have to put with the noise pollution on your way home? Do...