How do we know, well, anything? Our parents, teachers and others have taught us things directly, other knowledge and wisdom we’ve picked up on our own through trial and error and observation. What about when something just seems to hit us “out of thin air”? Thinking,...
Can one word have power? There are many words that evoke strong emotions and compel behaviour and action, good and bad. We have all heard the saying, “The pen is mightier than the sword.” (Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1939). That sounds like a lot of power…here are a few...
Pronounced “fung shway,” it was formalized over 3,000 years ago in China, though some elements of feng shui practice date back at least 6,000 years. It has been called a pseudo-science (it contains various elements of astronomy, astrology, philosophy and physics), but...
That word prompted the thought, “the good, the bad and the ugly.” Naturally, in evolutionary terms, survival was of prime importance, so the more “control” we had, the better our odds. To that end, as support, we’ve been given the benefit of strong biochemical...
An emotion is defined as a state of mind derived from one’s circumstances, mood or relationships. The basic emotions most agree we come equipped with are anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise. Many psychologists believe they exist as evolutionary triggers;...