My name is Dawn Cady, and I was sent to Earth to teach people how to heal and ascend, through these turbulent energetic times.
I am an intuitive, and channeller, who works with coaches, therapists, and those going through the ascension process as well as working with people suffering from any sort of pain, physical/emotional illness or trauma.
I raise your energy vibration, connect with your intuition, and help you move to a life of 5D.
As you may already know, it can be quite a tornado of different emotions whilst ascending.
The messages I receive are from my higher self/soul, they are guidance to help navigate blockages, including how to heal from all life issues (including generational trauma or any trauma, whether conscious or subconscious as well as chronic pain, anxiety, depression, confusion, and family issues), I am guided how to best raise your energy vibration, with tangible tools for you to connect with your intuition, and the best way to move to life in 5D.
My sharings consist of Spiritual Guidance, Higher Channelled Messages, Energy Work, Emotional Freedom Technique guided sessions, Guided Meditation, Oracle & Tarot Card Reading to help you and your soul on this adventure we call life.
The teachings that come through me have high-frequency spiritual codes that access, upgrade and activate your untapped dormant DNA.
How Dawn’s Journey Began

Having struggled with debilitating adversity for over 30 years – battling disease and disability, navigating through every obstacle one can face – Dawn has wisdom born not only of education but of experience.
Beyond her significant formal training Certified Coach, Psychotherapist EFT Practitioner, NOI Explain pain, Certified Emotional Intelligence, NLP Practitioner, she has dedicated the past 15 years to earnestly researching “a better way.”
The result? Bringing together the world’s best healing techniques, The Neural Alignment Method® is Dawn’s remarkable brainchild. With unique expertise and passion, she has helped countless others to achieve real freedom from pain of every sort – without medication – and a renewed enjoyment and satisfaction in all areas of life.
From individuals to corporations, from debilitating physical pain to mindsets that guarantee negative results at home and in the workplace, Dawn and her Alleviate Pain Team has helped and worked wonders across the board, regardless of age, location, or situation.
Here is the way Alleviate Pain can serve you now:
Learn EFT "The Power of Emotional Healing"
Access training that helps break addiction to painkillers, overcome PTSD and reduce pain to manageable levels. Training and guidance that has also helped millions to heal themselves from thousands of ailments.

Tribe Calling
The Rise of the Feminine Power
Many people have been called to give motherly love to the earth, to humanity, and most of all to themselves.
It’s time to come together and practice holding the space for ourselves and each other, and therefore the rest of humanity.
By coming together we are healing ourselves and the earth, by creating powerful containers for ourselves, looking after ourselves, and learning how to do that is imperative right now.
We are the future forgers, we are the first to pave this new way of living, so there is no manual, there is no guide because it’s all within, all within YOU!
I know it’s scary at times, I know it’s painful and I also know that you have everything inside of you, we just have to break off, and lift off the concrete case around you. This is why we are to not only learn but in fact master self-healing.
And I want you to know that the concrete case we are to dismantle, we have needed it, we needed it to keep us alive in the harshness of this world. Remember this is centuries of repression embedded in our cells, our DNA has been manipulated and our nervous systems have been coded with fear, and our brains are wired for only survival.
It’s time to shed the old and make way for the new, it’s time to access our light and let that light shine bright just like a lighthouse. You are a beacon of strength, you are a representative of unity and a guide of sovereign power. You are here to be YOU! Now let’s peel back the layers and unveil you to you and for you, so the world can heal.
Celebrity Endorsements

Interviewing Dr.Phil, 2018, LA, USA

With Brooke Shields, 2018, LA, USA

Interviewing Jillian Michaels, 2019, LA, USA

With Vince Vaughn, 2018, LA, USA

With Jessica Simpson, 2018, LA, USA

With Michael Douglas, 2018, LA, USA